Services by Categories



School Review

1 - 2 days

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Safeguarding Review

1 day

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inspection Preparation

1 - 2 days

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ISS Compliance Check

1 day

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Pre-Inspection Telephone call

Half Day

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Deep Dive subject discussion practice

TO be agreed

placeholder 6

Review of governance

To be agreed

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modern foreign languages review

1 - 2 days


Qualified Consultant

Meet the Director of Verulam Education Consultancy Ltd

I gained a BA (Hons) joint degree in French and German at the University of Liverpool and then gained my PGCE at the University of Birmingham. Later I studied for an MA
(Educational Management) at UCL and also gained my NPQH at the Institute of Education. I have taught in four schools in England, holding senior leadership positions in two schools in London.

In 2010 I was privileged to gain the position of Her Majesty’s Inspector of Schools (HMI) working mainly in the East of England and London regions. I was trained to inspect
primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form colleges. During my time as HMI, I inspected both maintained and independent schools, including academies, special schools, hospital schools, pupil referral units and free schools. I also investigated complaints against Ofsted, evaluated schools’ action planning for the DfE and conducted pre-registration visits to independent schools and academies.

john at the office

John Daniell - (Former HMI), BA (Hons), MA (Ed), PGCE, NPQH

Director - Verulam Education Consultancy LTD